Multi frequency vibrations of a system of two isotropic circular plates interconnected by a rolling visco-elastic layer that has nonlinear characteristics are considered. The system with two circular plates and interconnecting discrete continually distributed rolling visco nonlinear elastic rheological elements presents the model of hybrid nonlinear system. The analytical solutions of first asymptotic approximation describing stationary behavior, in the regions around the resonances, are the principal results of the author. On the basis of those results the influence on the system dynamics of rolling coupling element was numerically analyzed. A series of the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency curves of the two-frequency like vibration regimes were numerically obtained and presented. These curves present the evolution of the first asymptotic approximation of solutions for different nonlinear harmonics obtained by changing external excitation frequencies through discrete as well as continuous values for different values of rolling elements masses. Such an analysis proves that the presence of rolling elements in the interconnected layer of two plates causes frequency overlap of resonant regions of nonlinear modes, which at the same time causes the enlargement of the mode mutual interactions
SIMONOVIĆ, J. D. (2015). INFLUENCE OF ROLLING VISCO-ELASTIC COUPLING ON NON-LINEAR DYNAMICS OF DOUBLE PLATES SYSTEM. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 39(M1+), 163-173. doi: 10.22099/ijstm.2015.2996
SIMONOVIĆ, J. D. . "INFLUENCE OF ROLLING VISCO-ELASTIC COUPLING ON NON-LINEAR DYNAMICS OF DOUBLE PLATES SYSTEM", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 39, M1+, 2015, 163-173. doi: 10.22099/ijstm.2015.2996
SIMONOVIĆ, J. D. (2015). 'INFLUENCE OF ROLLING VISCO-ELASTIC COUPLING ON NON-LINEAR DYNAMICS OF DOUBLE PLATES SYSTEM', Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 39(M1+), pp. 163-173. doi: 10.22099/ijstm.2015.2996
J. D. SIMONOVIĆ, "INFLUENCE OF ROLLING VISCO-ELASTIC COUPLING ON NON-LINEAR DYNAMICS OF DOUBLE PLATES SYSTEM," Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 39 M1+ (2015): 163-173, doi: 10.22099/ijstm.2015.2996
SIMONOVIĆ, J. D. INFLUENCE OF ROLLING VISCO-ELASTIC COUPLING ON NON-LINEAR DYNAMICS OF DOUBLE PLATES SYSTEM. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 2015; 39(M1+): 163-173. doi: 10.22099/ijstm.2015.2996