Guide for Authors

Script Requirements
  1. Scripts should be submitted typewritten, double-spaced and at most twenty pages. Authors will receive page proofs for correction when their contribution is first set, but there is rarely time for further proofs to be sent for checking. A short title, not to exceed 50 letter spaces, should be included on a separate sheet, to be used as the running headline for the article. Keywords, not to exceed a total of 10, should also be included.  Sub-headings should be typed in italics or underlined. The name and full postal address of the author to whom proofs are to be sent should be stated on the title page of the manuscript.
  2. Illustrations should be placed at the end of the manuscript, and legends should be typed on a separate sheet.
  3. Kindly please upload manuscript with all tables and figures in one file.
  4. Preparation of tables. Large or long tables should be typed on continuing sheets.
  5. References should be clearly indicated in the text by numbers in brackets on the line. Full references should be given on a separate sheet containing the author’s name, followed by initials, title of paper (where desired), abbreviated title of journal, volume number, page number and year.
  6. The author(s) should certify that his article is not being considered for publication in any language elsewhere.
  7. All correspondence should be made preferably by email to the Editor, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 71344, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, Tel. 98- 711- 6474614, Fax. 98- 711- 6474614.
  8. Kindly please give valid email addresses for authors & recommended reviewers affiliated to their work place.

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